Summary for drive I: (AnyDVD
PHILIPS SPD2411P BP01 2006/10/12 16:58
Drive (Hardware) Region: 0 (not set!)
Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 1641584 sectors (3206 MBytes)
Total size: 2325328 sectors (4541 MBytes)
Video DVD (or CD) label: Arthur e il popolo dei minimei
Media is not CSS protected.
Video Standard: PAL
Media is locked to region(s): 2!
RCE protection not found.
DVD structure appears to be correct.
Structural copy protection not found.
Autorun not found on Video DVD.
Bad sector protection not found.
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 2!
Usare DvdDecripter 3540 + AnyDvd 6170, salvare su
hard disk, comprimere con DVDShirnk 3.2 , poi
masterizzare con Nero, o CloneDvd |